Richmond extends its thanks to Dick Smith for its five-year partnership with the Club, which has now concluded.

Dick Smith was co-major partner of Richmond from 2009-10, and with other key partners, has been supporting the Club’s Outback Tigers community program for the last three years. The program aims to increase school attendance and promote healthy lifestyles to children in Central Australia.

During the program, 47 Richmond players visited schools and communities in Central Australia, players ran a series of web-cam sessions with school students, and over 80 students were flown to Melbourne to be part of the Korin Gamadji Institute’s leadership program.

During the partnership, Dick Smith donated more than $200,000 worth of technology for learning resources to students who demonstrated excellent school attendance and behaviour.

“Our Club has valued its partnership with Dick Smith throughout the past five years, and we’ve seen some very good commercial and community outcomes during their time as a co-major and community sponsor,” said Richmond’s CEO Brendon Gale.

“I’d like to thank Dick Smith for their support and allowing Richmond to deliver valuable programs throughout Central Australia.”

Dick Smith Director Operations, Armando Pedruco said: "It has been great to work with the Richmond Football Club, they have consistently shown passion and commitment towards our school based programming in Central Australia.

"I trust the partnership between Dick Smith and Richmond, and its initiatives, has benefited many young people throughout Central Australia, and I wish the Club the very best as it continues its important work in the community."

Richmond has built strong partnerships throughout the Territory, and is currently exploring ways to continue its work in the region.

The Club will continue its other community programs in its Indigenous learning and training centre, the Korin Gamadji Institute, supporting preferred charity partner, The Alannah and Madeline Foundation, and working with multicultural communities.