Talented Tiger key-position prospect David Astbury took another important step on the comeback trail in Wangaratta last weekend.

Astbury was assigned the daunting task of curbing Essendon's star key forward Michael Hurley, when Richmond took on the Bombers in a round two clash of the AFL's pre-season competition.

The 22-year-old, who has managed just two senior league appearances since dislocating his kneecap midway through 2011, performed admirably and took the honors in his contest with the dangerous Bomber.

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"There's no doubt he helps us with his strong body" was Richmond coach Damien Hardwick's assessment of Astbury's continued solid progress.

"He played on Hurley for the majority of the day and probably beat him, which was good.

"He's going to take a little bit of time given he did miss a significant amount of footy with that bad injury two years ago.  But he's only going to get better as the year progresses.

"He's still got to move the ball on a little bit faster at times, but we're really pleased with the way he's going."