Richmond is proud to announce it has formalised a new partnership with Kinaway Chamber of Commerce.

Kinaway, meaning ‘exchange’ in the Gunnai language, is Victoria's peak body representing certified Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses.

The industry leaders have a focus on changing Indigenous lives through a strength-based model of business ownership and participation in the Victorian economy.

Kinaway’s purpose is to provide business support and advice to Victorian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and to help improve the visibility and networks of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses, strengthening relationships and creating opportunities.

The Club became a corporate partner of Kinaway at the start of the year, a move that enabled the refresh of the Maurice Rioli Centre at Punt Road. The space now displays designs from Kinaway registered businesses - Dreamtime Flooring, Jiga Jiga Paint, and Ngali.

Kinaway CEO Donald Betts speaks to Richmond Director - Indigenous Leadership Angela Burt in the re-launched Maurice Rioli Centre.

Richmond Director of Indigenous Leadership Angela Burt said through its formalised partnership with Kinaway, Richmond will connect with more Indigenous business leaders who understand and support the Club's aspirations.

“These aspirations include creating employment pathways for Indigenous young peoples, creating sustainable Indigenous-led revenue streams to support the work of the Korin Gamadji Institute, and increasing the Club’s procurement spend,” Burt added.

“Spotlighting the incredible work of Kinaway across Sir Doug Nicholls Rounds and Dreamtime is the perfect way to kick off and celebrate our partnership.”

Kinaway Chamber of Commerce CEO Donald Betts added to the announcement.

“The Kinaway Chamber of Commerce is honoured to be a major sponsor of this year’s Dreamtime at the ‘G’ to recognise the contribution of all Indigenous players to the AFL,” he said. 

“We are excited to partner with the Richmond Football club to further advance the recognition of Kinaway members and the amazing work we are doing in the Aboriginal Economic Development space. “

As part of the partnership, Kinaway’s logo will be displayed on Richmond’s media backdrop during the week of Dreamtime.

Organisations can become a corporate partner with Kinaway and directly contribute to the development of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses through increasing employment and ensuring better healthcare.

Kinaway welcomes enquiries from organisations wishing to partner with Kinaway and contribute to the ongoing support and development of Aboriginal businesses within Victoria.

To learn more about Kinaway, visit: